re: Out of the Office
Hi team,
Keeping you in the loop in letting you know that I will be OOTO for a week next June in order to receive my Masters degree and participate in the graduation ceremony. Prior to my departure, I will ensure we review any prevailing tasks that will call for your attention.
Thank you in advance for your support as I complete this exciting milestone!
Lisa Varnes
Accel Freight & Logistics Company
18023 E McKinsely Road
Carlsbad, CA 92056
re: Getting Closer
Hi all Accel Staffers,
As a reminder, I will be at happy hour tonight at Flagler’s Bar to celebrate my upcoming Masters degree completion. I hope many of you can join me in celebrating! I will be heading over directly after work. I hope to see you there!
Lisa Varnes
Accel Freight & Logistics Company
18023 E McKinsely Road
Carlsbad, CA 92056
re: Signature Line Update
Good Morning I.T. Team,
Please confirm that I have properly updated my signature line below. (I recently received my Masters, and have added the appropriate acronym to reflect this change).
Lisa Varnes, MBA
Accel Freight & Logistics Company
18023 E McKinsely Road
Carlsbad, CA 92056
re: Updating Documents for Masters Degree
Hello HR Department,
I recently earned my Masters degree (very exciting!) and wanted to ensure you have any required documentation for this change. While my position does not require a Masters, you may wish to update your records. I’d be happy to come by with a photocopy or any other proof of receipt of this higher education degree.
Best Regards,
18023 E McKinsely Road
Carlsbad, CA 92056
re: Petty Cash Reimbursement
Hi Drew,
Got your voicemail regarding submitting a petty cash receipt for reimbursement. I need to speak with Joe; I recently received my Masters and am not sure if he’s expecting me to continue to perform the tasks I was previously doing now that I have earned the degree. I am inclined to think petty cash (amongst other duties) may be redistributed to some of the other staffers with lower qualifs. Let me get back to you.
Best Regards,
Lisa Varnes, MBA
Accel Freight & Logistics Company
18023 E McKinsely Road
Carlsbad, CA 92056
re: Fridge
Hi Patricia,
Hoping you can help me out. I recently graduated with my Masters degree (I know, right?!?), and wondered about the company’s procurement process for appliances designated for specific offices? I have my eye on a dorm-sized (or maybe junior size; haven’t decided yet) fridge for my office; I just think it might be easier to have access to my own stuff now. Do I need to fill out a form or something?
Thank you!!
18023 E McKinsely Road
Carlsbad, CA 92056
re: Workplace Environment
Hi Joe,
I’ve been meaning to bring this up with you, sorry for just now getting to it. Usually around 2pm every day, I can hear Drew’s Spotify playing pretty loudly through our shared wall. It’s not (yet) an issue, per se, but I’m concerned that without intervention, the situation could escalate. Not to be a huge diva, but while I was studying for my Masters, I got very used to quiet, and am accustomed to low-to-no audible distractions, and I have found this to be best for me here now, too.
Any thoughts on this?
Respectfully Yours,
Lisa Varnes, MBA
Accel Freight & Logistics Company
18023 E McKinsely Road
Carlsbad, CA 92056
re: re: Fridge
Hi Patricia,
Following up on my previous question about the fridge, and also to now find out about a bookcase. I have a lot of documents and books/binders I accumulated while I was earning my Masters, and I’d love to keep them here, where they will be best utilized. Unfortunately, my office does not have much space. A vertical, earthquake-ready bookcase would be ideal for me to bring in my educational collateral. Can you point me in the right direction of where/how to make this purchase using the company’s budget?
Respectfully Yours,
Lisa Varnes, MBA
Accel Freight & Logistics Company
18023 E McKinsely Road
Carlsbad, CA 92056
re: re: Workplace Environment
Hi Joe,
For ease and efficiency, I’ve attached a list of my current tasks I have evaluated as potential for re-distribution to other employees. I have not had a chance to discuss this with you, so forgive me for the initiative, but I presume you will be in alignment with my goal of best matching a staffer with the level of work he/she can handle. With my recent Masters acquisition, it’s likely many of the forty-seven items I’ve outlined here will be more appropriate for someone other than me. I’m happy to discuss this with you in person, and at that time, let’s please be sure to touch on any tasks at the higher level I will now tackle.
If, also, you wouldn’t mind sending me a quick response to my Drew-Spotify-noise concern, that’d be much appreciated.
Respectfully Yours,
Lisa Varnes, MBA
Accel Freight & Logistics Company
18023 E McKinsely Road
Carlsbad, CA 92056
re: Moving On
Dear Accel-Wide Staff,
It is with a heavy heart that I am announcing my retirement from my position here at Accel Freight. The last 6 years have been very rewarding, filled with memories and achievements, including earning my Masters degree while also working full-time. I have not taken a proper vacation since my graduation, and I have done a great deal of personal self-reflection since that event. I wish you all the best, and hope that you feel valued here at Accel Freight & Logistics Co. I cannot necessarily say the same for myself, and I do wish/hope/pray that on the other side of this is an opportunity for me to thrive within a company that holds highly the prestige and weight that a Masters degree brings. Unfortunately, that is not here. Continuously attempting to perform in a role while being holistically overqualified has been exhausting and painful. I look forward to a brighter future for myself.
Best of luck to all of you,
Lisa Varnes, MBA
re: Recent Return
Good morning team,
I hope this email finds you well. After my departure last month, many factors contributed to the stunning realization regarding the current job market. At this time, I am returning to Accel as I anticipate a shift in the outside hiring culture toward greater prioritization of advanced levels of education. I am pleased to be available in the intertim to assist Joe with his work here (he was thrilled, to say the least, that I was able to return. Win-win!).
I’ll ensure that I touch base with each of you to review the status of your current projects. Please also note that I (approved by Joe) will be leaving the office early every Thursday starting this week as I begin my doctorate program.
Professionally Yours,
Lisa Varnes, MBA
Accel Freight & Logistics Company
18023 E McKinsely Road
Carlsbad, CA 92056