(Landscape of) A Body

When I imagine warping my body to wring the pain out, it’s my skull I imagine remolding. I screw my head off like a bottle cap. An extreme: after breaking the ice that’s formed at the surface, I plunge bone into crisp water, freezing pain.

Grown Up Girls

Where can a girl go, but to a husband’s home? Somewhere in cities, impractical idiots dream of a revolution—our own land, our own country—but here in the village, there are only mountains and marriage.

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A black and white photo of a person running where the water meets the shore

race: all things impure/ all things impaired

I’ve shriveled/ into puddle/ pounded/
my bones/ into biomes I don’t belong/
jettisoned the spirit-spin/ at the junction/
of the salacious/ and self-adulation/

Close-up photo of a field of short grass; the grass is green and there are unfocused trees in the background with the sun shining through.

Test Results

...we are all breaking just the same.

A spray of pink bougainvillea with a few green leaves interspersed splashes across a gray, backlit sky

The Reader

“I can’t believe you would write about something like that,” my sister said. She had called our house, it was pure luck that my mother happened to be out.