Exquisite Corpus

When I teach them about ChatGPT, I want them to eviscerate it.


Two young women stand before a low concrete wall, their backs to the camera, looking out over a city skyline. The woman on the left wears a black long-sleeved shirt and a cream-colored skirt. The woman on the right wears a burgundy long-sleeved shirt and a black skirt. Both have long hair that is the same length and the same shade, and their strands blow in the wind.

The Vanishing

Maybe this is why people are obsessed with twins: they have a sense of loss, something missing, someone missing.

A blurry photo of a red light in the dark


Children are only possessed by the devil when nobody else is around.

A Minolta film camera dangles in the foreground. The out-of-focus background is a natural landscape.

On Photography and Men

I fancied myself a photographer as a teenager, but I had ulterior motives.

Everything That Surrounds You

You want to write about how absent a man can be in the presence of an environment. You’re the man, and you’re very absent in your environment ...

Rows of empty desks await students in a classroom.

A Reading Life

“Who is to say the writer’s intention is necessarily any more important than the meaning we find or create?”