The Cirrus Circus

Our collective moisture and heat condensating in the sky, the first cycle of a dynamic and unpredictable climate in this new home: the end of her quest.


The cover of Love the World or Get Killed Trying

Excerpt from Love the World or Get Killed Trying

I am preparing myself for the act of shaking hands with Sólheimajökull, 36.8 degrees °C greeting freezing, as the bus drives through a landscape of lush hills filled with grass and sheep who won’t become meat-market fashion victims if I have a say in the matter, which I don’t.

A blurry image of lights against an orange sky.

Tun-tun Goes to Lahore

We do not forget, especially when we try. And that is why I will not fill your head with these stories: you will have nothing to forget.

Two colorful koinobori, one blue with red gills and one red with blue gills, float in front of a light blue sky

A Fish is a Fish is a Fish

Here’s what really happened: I was supposed to be a twin but then I ate her. It. Absorbed it, for nutrients, in like the first trimester.

The cover of OURS by Phillip B. Williams

Excerpt from OURS

Justice thought he heard a voice coming from the tree, but the sound had a pinprick to it, small enough that it had to have come from a specific spot in the boughs.

A tilted view of the side of an apartment building through a glass window; the interior lights are reflected on the glass.

Plastic Bag

More and more men had been coming into the store and asking for plastic bags.

A person stands in a gateway and casts a long shadow back into a courtyard. The photo is black and white, and at a sideways angle.


You feel old for your age. You didn’t used to stare at windows and cry. But then, you didn’t used to have this much trouble falling asleep, even before you started amputating memories.