The girl in her nightdress the cold the girl
in her cold across the cliff
the cliff’s nightdress causing cold
the cold of the nightdress the girl walking
along the cliff the walk easing her cold across
the nightdress on the way to the cliff the girl
easing the girl across the way the cold
eased her and her nightdress along her cliff
the easy nightdress caused the cliff to walk
the girl walked with ease along the cold
along the nightdress the girl easy with her nightdress
the cliff was causing the nightdress to walk as a girl
the girl was a girl the nightdress was a girl as well
across the cliff the girl was a girl the cliff and the girl
the cold was cold and was a girl
the cold was not a girl at all
all along the cliff was walking across the girl
the cause of the nightdress was not the nightdress
it was the cliff the girl the cold the walk
it was the girl the cause of the girl was
it was the girl it was
it was the girl the girl it was
the cause of the girl was the girl was the girl was the girl was the girl was the girl was the girl