You Have Certain Rights

Collage of an envelope and official letter from the Department of Human Services with the words YOU HAVE CERTAIN RIGHTS underlined at the top, and the words SNAP SNAP SNAP SNAP appearing in the middle. Collage of text “Turn this page over to read more information on the back” appearing 4 times, and the line “See more for important fee disclosures” on the bottom. Excerpts of multiple choice questions from forms, collaged in no specific order. Collage of bar codes, arranged in the shape of a face (mouth, nose, eyes) and a postal code running diagonally across like a scar. Collage of a list of vertical rows with the word No No No repeated 15 times, and None of the above once, followed by two parallel lists of phrases connected by drawn arrows, and then by page numbers and other phrases repeated several times. An almost blank page with the words “Please Retain This Document for Future Reference” pasted in the middle, and at the very bottom right, the words “No, I don’t want to”.

Digital Ballad of the Real Mulan

The Education Bureau bans protest anthems & the chanting of slogans & the forming of human chains & anything with a strong beat & the use of the blues including electric guitar electric bass electric organ electric piano in Hong Kong schools.

Courtroom Sonnets

The judge of my most missing secret / gifted me a tome by a man who’d died, / poems on being a man, being white, / being from our country’s seceding side.

Insomnia Diary

1:28 am./ I’ve taken Ambien every day this week. On Tuesday a quarter tab,/ by Thursday, a half. My pillow bucks. Crows peck the skylight& the moon’s a neon fog. My love breathes through his mouth—flaming a fire./ I close my eyes to the smoke but sparks remain.