
Bags eat away at the steadfast beliefs held by human beings regarding usefulness. Through this very effective tactic, they determine their multiplication and survival.


Plot of two orbits labeled "Mercury and Jupiter" on the top with a graph from -6 to 6 for both the x and y axes. There are two elliptical orbits around the origin, one which is quite small and one which extends almost to the whole size of the plot.

“Frog and Toad are Friends” and “N-Body Setup”

dearest toad,
when the pelicans launched into orbit, I looked at you sideways, circling and circling, the motion of the birds described by some differential equation.
your friend,

One yellow microbe (coronavirus) which is oval and has a crown circling it is centered to the top middle left with a black background, it's crawling along a red cell that seems circular, but only a quarter of the circle is showing.

Supply Chain Plaything

Microbe plays hopscotch on metal on plastic on leather on the rich juicy arm

On a pathway lined with trees and wooden fences, with a stop sign at the end, a male deer walks towards the side.

All the Parts of Things

Another dermatologist, his voice a baritone of confidence, a foghorn, a steady hand, said, “We will be sure to treat this very aggressively. Because it’s the worst thing that can happen to a pretty young woman, her hair falling out.”

I stared at him for a beat too long, my thin brown hair knotting like brows.

“Well, you know,” he grinned and a hand fluttered in front of his face, a butterfly of bashfulness. “One of the worst things.”