Nancy Naomi Carlson
Nancy Naomi Carlson is a translator, poet, and essayist whose translation of Khal Torabully’s Cargo Hold of Stars: Coolitude (Seagull, 2021) won the Oxford-Weidenfeld Translation Prize and was shortlisted for the Sarah Maguire Translation Prize. Decorated with the French Academic Palms and twice awarded NEA literature translation grants, she’s authored fourteen books (nine translated), including An Infusion of Violets (Seagull, 2019), named “New & Noteworthy” by The New York Times and Piano in the Dark (Seagull, 2023). Her recent co-translation of Wendy Guerra’s Delicates (Seagull, 2023) was recommended by The New York Times. She’s the Translations Editor for On the Seawall.