The Donyld

With Apologies to William Blake

Donyld Donyld, burning bright,
In the mindless TV light;
What fanatic neocon,
Can bear thy demagoguery?

From what greedy fears and lies
Burnt the hatred in thine eyes?
Doth that Hil make him perspire?
What Repub dare call him liar?

Which bankruptcy, & brain fart,
Could twist the malice of thy heart?
And when thy thoughts began to rot,
What dread hair? & what dread bought?

Them or us? Some sick brain,
To Carson, pyramids store grain?
Ban refugees? can’t you grasp
Your grand ’rents were immigrants!

When party hacks cry their tears
And cop beatings fall on deaf ears,
Did he frown his work to see?
Did he who made the Bern make thee?

Donyld Donyld, burning bright,
In the mindless TV light;
What fanatic neocon,
Dare squash thy demagoguery?


"Things that rely on photosynthesis for lunch can easily be turned into sexual objects against their will when you put red lipstick on them and take away their clothes."