You: Did I miss the ten?
Stranger: No.
You: My work is about what is not said, what is not felt, what is not seen.
Stranger: Excuse me?
You: I conduct multilateral experiments of form and color at the intersection of synesthesia and film.
Stranger: Sorry?
You: Film!
Child: I go down slide.
You: You wanna go down the slide? I’ll be at the bottom.
Child: (goes down slide) I good at slide!
You: My poetry redefines the boundaries of what is and what is not poetry!
Child: Daddy?
You: From beyond the pale, I interrogate…
Child: Daddy?
You: I interrogate the rhizomatic performance of self and the mimetic temporality of expectation and failure.
Child: Daddy?
You: Daddy?
Child: (leaps off slide into daddy’s arms) Daddy!
Sibling: Mom is really losing it lately.
You: I haven’t talked to her for a few weeks.
Sibling: You should check in more. It’s not fair everything lands on me.
You: What does it mean to be animal? This is one of the great questions I return to time and time again.
Sibling: Right.
You: In my art.
Sibling: I got that.
You: My paintings…
Sibling: Mom is…
You: My paintings…
Sibling: You need to…
You: My paintings explore the discursive tension between man and machine to expose misconceptions about what is man and what is…
Sibling: You need to check in more.
Barista: What can I get for you?
You: Clay’s willingness to be transformed makes it the perfect medium for reimagining…
Barista: (lifts a cup into the air) Julie. I have your cappuccino. Cappuccino for Julie.
You: …for reimagining the textures of transgressive adjudication aesthetics in literature!
Barista: (raises eyebrows)
You: With clay.
Barista: (lowers eyebrows)
You: Literature!
Lover: You promised you would tell me if you began speaking to her again!
You: I’m telling you! I’m telling you now!
Lover: I feel like such a fool! This whole last month you’ve been hiding this from me!
You: I design immersive sonic installations of transcorporeality to provoke confrontation via implicit and explicit dialectical processes around what one values and why!
Lover: We’ve been sleeping together for years and you haven’t finished a single installation!
You: My installations aren’t like your little illustrations!
Lover: My little illustrations?
You: My work provokes confrontation via implicit and explicit dialectical processes around what one values and why!
Lover: You said that!
You: You looked confused!
You: (hands over driver’s license)
Pharmacist: One moment (collects white paper bag and places it on the counter). Reward card?
You: I reappropriate critical subalternities into stochastic narratives of visionary possibilities for the deconstruction of imperialist empires within.
Pharmacist: Seventy-four eighty-nine.