- It feels so good to unbutton my pleated khakis and make love.
- Just received a pretty upsetting fax. Let’s order Chinese.
- Now where did I put that god damn Sharper Image catalogue?
- Nothing like opening a fresh batch of athletic socks.
- Ah, New Yorker cartoons. The only thing that can compare to Doonesbury.
- Stocks are up.
- Thin layer of dust on my NordicTrack.
- Christ, this savings and loan crisis is as bad as it gets.
- Eraseable pens. What a world.
- Overall I’d say the guys who write TV do a terrific job.
- I’m a sucker for a fancy mustard.
- What would be most convenient is if you could fax it to me.
- This vending machine is all out of nuts.
- Sixty-some-odd channels and nothing’s on. What a world.
- Hey, I just followed Diane Keaton on this thing. Pretty neat.
- I was born in 1952. Ask me anything.
- Listen, I’m a capitalist. I know the way the world works. But hot chocolate at a skating rink should not cost five dollars.
- They certainly do have everything at Radio Shack!
- With a stash like this, it’ll be years before I run out of aerosol deodorant.
- Let’s take a look and see what you’re up to, Sally Forth.
- I’ll tell you why women don’t get ahead. They’re too morally pure to commit the violence it takes to succeed. Done thinking about this now.
- There are important differences between Democrats and Republicans.
- Still blows me away, that moon landing.
- I go to art museums, but half the time I don’t know what I’m looking at.
- My wife left and took only a suitcase. She could have taken some of the African pottery, for all I care.
- Hey, I’m getting pretty good at making Chex Mix.
- We have a real problem on our hands and it’s called acid rain.
- Always have a great time at Sea World.
- Just realized I’m drinking from my Eiffel Tower mug while wearing my Eiffel Tower sweatshirt.
- Red and black look fantastic together!
- No don’t touch that. If you touch it all the little nails will shift around and we’ll lose that perfect impression of my face.
- Who in the hell recorded ‘Aliens’ over my VHS tape of Nelson Mandela’s emancipation?!?!
- Gary. Motherfucking. Larsen.
- Janet, Chrissy, I don’t know, they’re both knockouts.
- I try not to go overboard with the cocaine.
- Love a framed photo of a skyscraper.
- Parts of Manhattan are very dangerous.
- Relaxing in the lodge with the ski bunnies.
- Sometimes I see an older woman who’s still a total knockout.
- Pain in the ass, rewinding all these tapes.
- If you need any graph paper, just ask. Got a whole pad.
- Bummed about the Challenger.
- Two men and a baby, maybe. But three? This I gotta see.
- Another night, another love-crazed woman chasing me around the kitchen with a steak knife.
- When I step on the big piano keys, they light up.
- Let me just tuck my T-shirt into these jeans. There. Perfect.
- Get a load of this guy Yahoo Serious.
- Graph paper is great for all types of uses.
- I can’t think of a single situation where I would not choose to use graph paper, assuming it were available.
- Slowing down my treadmill. Raising the incline.
- Looking at myself in the mirror. Asking myself if I’ve done everything I can to save the whales.
- Love a close-up shot of a total babe putting on lipstick.
- Waiting for my secretary to do the paperwork so I can sponsor an African kid.
- I believe the sexual act can, and should, be mystical. But hey, I’m a little bit nuts.
- Just once I’d like to see a mannequin that DOESN’T come to life.
- If I was designing a logo, I’d try to have it be a triangle slicing through a chunk of graph.
- I meet a lot of sexy women named Linda.
- Tied my tie this a.m. with zero stress and complete accuracy.
- Kirk Gibson, ladies and gentlemen.
- Rap is a fad. I don’t let it bother me.
- I subscribe to all the magazines.
- Another Christmas, another office building held hostage by terrorists and it’s up to me to stop them.
- Don’t you touch that Newton’s cradle desk toy, you fucking terrorist.
- Another busted Slinky. God damn it.
- My ex-wife used to tell me I had hot buns.
- Who needs a map when the inside of my bomber jacket looks like THIS? (It’s a world map.)
- Sometimes I just drop a rose onto a black marble floor.
- I think about money in the shower.
- It’s not women’s fault, but the fact is Best Actor is just worth a whole lot more than Best Actress.
- Swayze. Beatty. Gere. Not one of them can do what Crystal does.
The following tweets were found in Eighties Man’s draft folder.
- Let’s get take out.
- My bow tie’s undone and she’s leaning against me. Life is good.
- Black guys are very cool.
- I’ll tell you what’s funny. A guy like me, dressed up as a nun.
- Cruising in the convertible, inserting the next cassette of my book on tape.
- Sometimes I feel like my ex-wife’s still with me, like I can hear her breathing, right there, listening in on my phone calls.
- That thing where women want to take your money.
- I can’t resist a gal with a spiky haircut.
- Make sure you strap a seatbelt on the blow-up doll if you take her out in the convertible.
More Tweets by Eighties Man can be found here.