Gina Maria Balibrera Amyx is a writer from San Francisco and a Fiction editor at The Offing. She’s at work on a novel about 1930s El Salvador, a volcano, a massacre, and Latinas in Hollywood, and she also teaches writing and sells books in Ann Arbor, MI. Gina completed her MFA at the Helen Zell Writers’ Program at the University of Michigan, and she’s received grants from the Gould Center for the Humanities and the Rackham Institute, as well as a Tyson Award. Her work has been published on the Ploughshares website, on The Hairpin, in Belletrist Coterie, and the Michigan Quarterly Review website.
What doors does The Offing open for you?
Through the insights of the editors, readers, and staff, our vision of what this magazine could be expands gorgeously, and so does our community. I’m inspired by the dedication, passion, and intelligence in this group, and I’m grateful for all that these good people teach me. I love sharing ideas about precisely why a certain piece has dazzled us, or how we might work with a writer through the editing process, together, trying to put into words the ineffable, but trying all the same.
What would you like to see us do with the donations we receive during our fundraiser?
I’d love to see The Offing continue, with ease, to honor our promise to pay writers. And how about a reading series, a workshop, a residency, or maybe some kind of papery physical iteration of all of this beautiful work someday? As Co-Executive Offing Editor, brilliant poet, and dear friend Airea D. Matthews says, “TO THE WORK!”