I kissed him more out of habit than love. The lips parting and partaking, like a half-practicing catholic affecting conviction. He stared into my eyes, expecting devotion beyond the green. I turned my back against his pining, and he made malice in my image. Now I look in the mirror, wondering where the line ends between the skin he caressed, and the body that couldn’t believe. I watched his brown fall. He pushed me, playing the part.
Katherine DeGilio is a writer, editor, and optimist from Virginia. Her work has appeared in Authors Publish Magazine, Scribble Literary, and Third Wednesday, among others. She is the winner of Story of the Week and Story of the Month in Fifty Word Stories (2018) and Poem of the Week in Third Wednesday (2019). A member of the International English Honors Society, DeGilio recently recieved a BA in English Literature and hopes to pursue an MFA in the future. She loves connecting with her readers and encourages them to reach out to her.