Mami Says

men only want one thing. Our bodies are flesh fantasmas they keep tabs on in their pocket. Near YKK zippers lie my peek-a-boo moans. I don’t say each has kissed my neck with a distinct head tilt, some teeth sharp, others mass dull. I don’t say times change, Ma. I say Bueno, Mami, & save words for a future daughter: primero, sex is pleasure. No white tongues, trust the grip of your gut. Consent is a verb, noun & the meet of flesh. Your heart is not your body; their needs differ. Be safe, mija, shame should never sleep in the cradle of your mouth.

Touch Me. Like This.

An underrated skinspot imo—so fleshy and erotic without the obviousness of tits and ass.


I was always hungry, she would tell me later. From the very beginning.