Significant Systemic Changes in American Medical Treatment and Institutions | 99.99% effective
Medical conditions and general outlooks regarding mental differences would need to happen alongside other serious systemic changes (e.g., reparations, wealth redistribution, prison & police abolishment, loan forgiveness). Justice for Laquan McDonald. |
Medication | varied effectiveness
After starting your medications, it may take two to six weeks before you begin to notice a change in your symptoms. Mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder may recur or be ongoing and therefore may require long-term or lifetime treatment. Do not stop taking your medication, even if you begin to feel better. |
Therapy | varied effectiveness
Only qualified health providers are trusted to share their narrative. Never trust anyone but a medical professional. If a medical professional is not available, have the unavailable professional call a professional. If the unavailable professional does not answer immediately, have the unavailable professional call the medical professional hotline. If the professional at the medical professional hotline puts you on hold, then please take at least one medical professional while you patiently wait for the medical professional. |
Doing the Work | always ineffective
Exercise, coffee, journaling, creating a to-do list, goal-setting, meal prepping, attending to what is triggering symptoms, schoolwork, counting calories, fucking your neighbor, getting a job, getting a second job, folding laundry, keeping up with physical hygiene, regular conversation with mom and dad, setting boundries, jogging in place, doing 50 crunches in the morning, 50 crunches at noon, 50 crunches in the night, 50 crunches on uelita’s grave, 50 crunches during the manic episode, taking a walk, calling the behavioral health provider, dropping the weapon, handing over the weapon, avoiding weapons, being wherever the weapons are not, being weaponless, doing the work to avoid looking like a weapon. |
Because I No Longer Want to Die
(Please click on the image below and use the zoom function to read the poem. A transcript is available in the ALT text.)