Il paraît is a piece that ran as a monthly serial conceived by the Toulouse-based French artist, Goria. The first half of this encyclopedic list first appeared in 2002 from édition Cent pages and was later serialized from 2013 to 2015 in the Paris-based literary magazine Le Tigre. The second half of the list is set to come out later this year from édition Cent pages. The following translation is of the installations that appeared in issues 47 and 48/49 of Le Tigre.
— Charles Lee, Assistant Translation Editor

It seems that it was a piano maker in Strasbourg who would go on to build the first guillotine.
It seems that Alain Resnais would not direct a film unless he did not understand the script.
It seems that horses aren’t able to vomit.
It seems that Hitler went to see Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator.
It seems that 12 of the Buddha’s bones have been relocated to the United Nations headquarters in New York.

It seems that eels are able to produce electricity using the glucose in their blood.
It seems that eight million Turks live off of hazelnuts.
It seems that Pierre and Marie Curie went on their honeymoon by bicycle.
It seems that Japan plans to deep-freeze the ground beneath the Fukushima nuclear plant.
It seems that bears face one another during mating.

It seems that at the height of his popularity, Fred Astaire would receive up to 70,000 fan letters per day.
It seems that six women have been pharaohs.
It seems that Alban Berg died of a wasp sting.
It seems that Godillot was the first to distinguish the right foot from the left.
It seems that within a pack, only the alpha male and dominant she-wolf mate with one another, but that breastfeeding is a duty shared by all she-wolves.

It seems that the human body regenerates itself completely every seven years.
It seems that following the war, François Mitterrand was editor-in-chief of l’Oréal’s in-house magazine, Your Beauty.
It seems that the Mayi-Mayi are gifted with magical powers that allow them to transform bullets into water.
It seems that savor and savant share a common etymology.
It seems that the first people to wear hoodies were workers in New York’s refrigerated warehouses in the 1930s.

It seems that one stride in a 100-meter dash can be as long as 2.4 meters.
It seems that the term “bug” comes from an insect that was squashed inside the machinery of one of the first computers.
It seems that the separate visual fields of a hare converge behind its head.
It seems that in 1981, the depiction of Marianne on postage stamps turned from facing right to the left.
It seems that Nero would watch gladiator matches through an emerald.
This piece first appeared in issues 47-49 of Le Tigre (2014 – 2015).