[spark] noun
- Warmth in the cheeks, a skipped heartbeat.
- Your roommate brought a friend over.
- Seated cross-legged on the longboard. Black board shorts, blue hoodie.
- Gold rimmed glasses, messy hair, hint of a tattoo.
- Coy smile. Nice eyes.
[yoo-hauling] noun
- Slang term for two women who move in together soon after start dating, stereotype.
- You feel like this relationship is moving too fast. You’re losing control, your life like a train flying off the tracks.
- She tells you this is normal, and she’s the expert, after all.
[gay] adjective
- Something you are not.
- Something you are.
- It depends on her mood.
- When she gets mad, she says, this is what I get for dating a straight woman; a refrain repeated.
- Or, you want a man, don’t you, I’ll never be good enough for you, huh.
- See also: bisexual.
[mi-nu-tiae] noun
- Hair tucked behind the ear.
- Accent when speaks Viet.
- Smile more gum than teeth.
- Film commentary.
- Embarrassing Tumblr blog.
- Brings your clicker to classes so you get attendance even when you skip.
- Buys you Yakult, like Peter Kavinsky in To All the Boys.
[sto-ic] adjective
- Not emotionally reactive.
- She hates this. She thinks it’s funny.
- It makes her want to break you.
- She never really cared to know you.
[gift] noun
- Something given voluntarily without expectation of return.
- Strawberry smoothie, your favorite.
- Cow plushie, her favorite.
- Your love language.
- Cute hand-drawn cards, from her whenever she’s bored.
- Matching pajamas, from your mom.
[va-ca-tion] noun
- Trip to San Francisco, though she’s from Oakland.
- Photo booth pictures and Ponyo merch in Japantown.
- Cold weather, but she gives you her jacket.
- No matter where you are, she feels like home.
[hap-py] adjective
- In a mood characterized by pleasure, contentment, joy. When she’s happy, you are.
- So smart, can do anything you put your mind to.
- The most beautiful girl she’s ever seen.
- Someone she loves more than anyone she’s ever been with. Probably will end up asking you to marry her.
[up-set] adjective
- In a state of disturbance mentally or emotionally. When she’s upset, you are:
- Extremely stupid, can’t do a single thing right.
- Ugly, face, body, clothes, general demeanor.
- Manipulative, controlling, toxic. Unlovable.
[me-mo-ry] noun
- Fickle, fluid, malleable, and yours was never very good to begin with.
- I don’t think you said that.
- I don’t think I said that.
- I could be wrong. Maybe.
- I’m confused. I forgot.
- I’m being crazy. I was wrong.
- I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.
[qui-et-ly] adverb
- How you should breathe.
- How you should sleep.
- She told you to shut up.
- She told you not to breathe so loud when you sleep.
- She told you not to swing your arms so much when you walk. Told you, I can hear the freaking air move.
[birth-day] noun
- The anniversary of a birth.
- A reason to celebrate life.
- You buy gifts, you drop extravagant amounts on restaurant tabs.
- You want your money back.
- Your life. Years. Youth. Innocence. Naivety.
[Um-brel-la] noun
- The only item you are carrying as you hurry to her place to console her, grandpa died.
- You enter her room, dripping wet, you say the wrong thing.
- The item she grabs.
- The item that teaches you for the first time: objects in motion stay in motion.
[re-li-gion] noun
- Something your mom holds hope you will believe in.
- Something your girlfriend thinks is funny.
- Catholic guilt. She says, Is that why you don’t love me?
- Is there a God?
- If there is, is he listening? Will he help me?
[cas-tle] noun
- An iconic part of Disneyland.
- In front of it, a couple offers to take a picture of you with her.
- You take theirs in exchange.
- Two thoughts cross your mind at the same time:
- I wish I was one of them.
- Help me. Please.
[fu-ture] noun
- White picket fence, small pet.
- Her wife, a breadwinner.
- She is a teacher, artist, filmmaker, anything she wants.
- You are a doctor, predestined.
- Maybe you want to do something creative, but your parents won’t support you. She won’t support you either.
- You don’t want this white picket future with her. She thinks it’s because you want a man in that house, says, I knew you were straight.
- She breaks you down enough, you see her vision. We can work towards this future.
[am-bush] verb
- To attack by surprise.
- You are eating dinner alone on campus.
- You two are on a break.
- Her friend comes out of nowhere. Sits across from you.
- She’s not eating, not sleeping.
- Not enough reaction.
- She’s going to kill herself.
- Got you now.
[mir-ror] noun
- Can be broken.
- A collection of reflective shards of glass.
- Pieces can be put back together again.
- Painful and difficult but is possible to reassemble.
- Look at me. Breathe.
- You are not broken. You are not. Broken.
[vil-lain] noun
- An overtly evil person.
- Cruel, malicious, wicked.
- Never kind, gentle, caring.
- Not charming, suave, charismatic, liked by all.
- Does not know how to win over your friends and family.
- Not someone who once made you proud to be with.
[nos-tal-gia] noun
- Warm in your mind no matter how much time passes, no matter how cold it gets later.
- A winter morning downtown.
- On the bus sitting thighs pressed side by side.
- Holds your hand, it’s warm. Swings it a little while you walk.
- Shopping for sweaters. Looking in festive storefronts, rows of expensive boutiques.
- Talking, laughing, genuinely funny. Great company just to be around.
- You’re so lucky to have each other, she says. You feel lucky.
[fact-check] verb
- To become friends with a member of her co-ed fraternity, years later.
- No, it was the right arm that was metal. Nothing was metal.
- She can drink. She can smoke.
- She was in key club. All they do is go to conferences, stay in hotels.
[ter-ror] noun
- Instance of heart dropping, abject, overwhelming fear.
- It’s been a while.
- The door opens at work and she walks in, new girl in tow.
- Beelines straight for the stairs, doesn’t look at you.
- The girl goes up to the desk, asks something.
- You answer, polite, pleasant, autopilot. Debate telling her to run. Wonder if she knows.
- Your hands are shaking. You might throw up. Your hands are wet. Your face is wet.
[se-pa-ra-tion] noun
- Take her to a park. Sit on a bench.
- You don’t care if she dies. You don’t care if you die.
- You are tired of this slow death. End it now.
- Listen to the string of expletives and insults that do not bear repeating.
- You’re the fucked up one. Wait for her to echo herself.
- Sit there and take it. Get up and walk away.
- Don’t look back. Look back. It doesn’t matter.
- Your life will be yours again.
[flash-back] noun
- What happens when a new friend asks to share locations and a wave of fear so intense it becomes nausea passes over you.
- When you are living in Korea and a friend asks to see your schedule to make planning trips easier and you panic. No matter how many oceans you cross you cannot outrun the fear.
- When a coworker offends you and manhandles his way around an apology. His wording is so eerily similar to your ex’s that you cry for two days straight and can’t make it to class. There is no threat, but you are still so afraid. You can’t get your mind and body on the same page.
[ex-per-i-ence] noun
- Something you don’t have, at least with women.
- Something she has an abundance of.
- Your lack of this makes her all the more convincing.
- Whatever happens, this is normal for lesbian relationships.
- Google is no help, you trust her more anyway.
- She understands you more than any man ever has.
[moon] noun
- On walks, she always points it out. Isn’t it beautiful?
- Names the phases. Waxing, waning.
- How cute, a girl who cares so much about celestial bodies.
- That’s got to be a good sign.
- What psychopath cares so much about the moon?
[com-pa-ny] noun
- With you, on the lawn reading between classes. The sun filters golden through the trees, grass soft, breeze gentle.
- At the library to study, helps you plan out your packed schedule.
- At parties where you don’t know anyone, social butterfly, keeping you afloat.
- The café when you get coffee alone after class.
- Outside your friends’ house when you leave it at night.
- The dining hall the one time you get up early enough for breakfast.
- There. Outside. Waiting. You never have to be alone. You are never alone.
[con-sent] noun
- Not needed between partners.
- The absence of a no is yes.
- Implied, assumed, automatic access to someone’s body.
- The presence of a no is still yes. Your body is no longer yours.
[pur-ple] noun
- The color of the sky when you first sit on her longboard and she pulls you around by hand, showing you campus.
- The color of longing, of the blood in your veins that your heart is pumping, butterflies and all.
- The color of the marks on her neck after she hooks up with her roommate and wants to show you the physical evidence, knowing you won’t do anything about it.
- The color you will end up hiding under layers of makeup and clothing. The color of fear.
[tat-too] noun
- The beautiful, intricate, floral thing on half her right arm.
- It stops people on the street. You feel cool by proxy.
- She tells people, yes it hurt, I got it done in the Bay, this is the artist’s Instagram.
- One day you will catch her peeling it off in the bathroom. The tattoo is from Amazon. It peels off. It presses on.
- You don’t even leave her when you find out.
- This will become funny much later. It’s not that funny now.
[star-gaze] verb
- People are doing this tonight because the sky is so nice.
- We should do it too, she says.
- She knows you have a big chemistry exam tomorrow. That you’re failing and need to do well.
- She’s aware you’re under a lot of pressure, and you wouldn’t be any fun. Still, she says:
- I really want to, please, please.
- I knew you’d say no. You’re always fucking like this.
- You hate me, I know. When you say you love me you don’t ever mean it.
[friends] noun
- Old ones don’t know the truth.
- New ones don’t know you well enough to get involved.
- The best one is here with you.
- She wants to get to know her too, joins you every time you hang out.
- Steals her phone to see your texts and tweets, calls her in the middle of the night.
- Says, she’s the reason things weren’t working anyway.
[re-gret] noun
- There is no way you could have known.
- You forgive her sooner than you forgive yourself.
- The darkness, the taste of blood, the sensation like crawling around on broken glass, blindfolded.
- There is no way you could have known.
[fib] noun
- An unimportant lie.
- Deaf in one ear.
- Metal in the left leg.
- Ran the Boston marathon.
- Got into Brown but rejected it.
- Liver problems, can’t drink.
- Breathed in so much smoke from a fire now has lung problems.
- Living paycheck to paycheck.
- English major.
- Has an arranged fiancée waiting in Vietnam.
- Never been in a hotel.
- Not a serial dater.
- Not a pathological liar.
[drown] verb
- To watch your own life go by, so far from the surface.
- Floating, before, the sun on your skin, water on your back.
- You still get glimpses. You are still sinking.
- Doesn’t quite feel like anything else.
[anx-i-e-ty] noun
- This kind is new to you.
- This is the kind that makes you run out of a class into the bathroom, thought you saw a shadow of something.
- Why are you crying. Why can’t you breathe.
- This is it. This is how you die. In the gross, pink-walled bathroom of this lecture hall. You have no idea what is happening. You are so scared.
[un-known] adjective
- Not within the range of your knowledge.
- Love bombing.
- Gaslighting.
- Narcissist.
- Baiting.
- Guilt tripping.
- Trauma bond.
- Intimate partner sexual violence.
- Panic attack.
- Dissociation.
[le-ver-age] noun
- Prevents you from equal footing or achieving a breakup.
- How dare you feel that, say that, do that.
- When she’s this depressed, this sacrificing, this supportive.
- See also: overreaction.
[be-head] verb
- To execute by decapitation.
- Post-breakup, a distant mutual acquaintance pulls out her phone at lunch.
- Did you guys break up?
- The head of a stuffed bear hanging crudely to its body by a thread, stuffing spilling out of its little neck.
- The Rilakkuma bear you gave her.
- The caption says fuck veronica. Sunglasses emoji. Peace sign emoji.
- It’s scary. It’s funny. You don’t know what the proper emotional response is.
[per-spec-tive] noun
- Changes everything.
- You have never told this story and worry you might come off as the villain.
- It’s possible; no true villains means no true angels.
- She convinced you so well you believe it yourself.
- She convinced others, too. The guy your roommate used to date texts you out of nowhere and says I thought you were a good person. He tells you your own story, roles reversed.
- You don’t remember how to tell fact from fiction anymore.
[ru-mor] noun
- Statement circulated without certainty of fact.
- Friend of a friend of her roommate.
- Twin bed, frame, desk for sale.
- Dropped out. Tried to end her life after all.
- You feel guilty and relieved, multiple truths held at once.
[ad-ol-es-cence] noun
- A year before you met her you were going to senior prom.
- A year before that, learning how to drive.
- A year before that, sitting at the lunch tables after school.
- You wish you could have been younger a little longer.