Originally from Atlanta, Stephanie Ellis Schlaifer is a poet and installation artist in St. Louis. She is the author of Cleavemark, just out from BOAAT Press. Schlaifer earned her MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, and she was selected for Best New Poets 2015. Her poems have appeared in Georgia Review, AGNI, Denver Quarterly, LIT, Colorado Review, Fence, and elsewhere. She frequently collaborates with other artists, and is currently working on a series of sculptures based her new manuscript of poems, which investigates the bureaucracy of the brain. Her work can be viewed at criticalbonnet.com.
Cheryl Wassenaar is a visual artist who explores the function of text in a hybrid practice of painting, sculpture, and design. She works primarily with found commercial signage, repurposing the discarded wood into visual metaphors of communication that borrow from the language of modernist painting, contemporary advertising, and technology. Her latest body of work uses signmaker's vinyl for site-specific work, often collaborating with a writer or poet.