Ranbir Sidhu

Ranbir Sidhu’s books include Deep Singh Blue, Good Indian Girls and Object Lessons (in 12 Sides w/Afterglow) as well as several full-length plays. A winner of the Pushcart Prize, his work appears in Conjunctions, The Georgia Review, Fence, Zyzzyva, The Missouri Review, The Happy Hypocrite, The Literary Review, Vice and Salon among other publications. He lives in Athens, Greece. Find him at ranbirsidhu.com or on twitter at @ssranbir.

Headbutt UK

We talk, our breaths spilling in white gusts, and that old, fairytale London, where the wolves were very much real, comes back as vivid as a story whispered in a child’s ear. And something else, something surprising, begins to happen. For the first time in years, perhaps the first time ever, I’m sharing memories with my older brother.