Merridawn Duckler
Merridawn Duckler is a poet and playwright who lives and writes in Portland, Oregon. She is published or forthcoming in Cirque Journal, Right Hand Pointing, Agave, Sugar House Review, TAB: Journal of Poetry and Poetics, Split Rock Review, Cyclamens and Swords, Storyscape, Burnt Furnace and Zone 3. She was runner-up for the 2014 poetry residency at the Arizona Poetry Center. Her play in verse was in the Emerging Female Playwright Festival of the Manhattan Shakespeare Project. Other work performed at Red Cat at Disney Hall and venues in Arizona, Oregon, Washington and Valdez, Alaska. Her recent fiction is in Farralon Review and Poetica. Her fellowships include NEA, Writers@Work, Yaddo, Squaw Valley Writers, SLS in St. Petersburg, Russia, the Berta Anolic Award in Israel and the Southampton Poetry Conference. She is a Senior Fellow at The Attic Institute, Associate Editor at Narrative Magazine and editor at the international philosophy journal Evental Aesthetics.