Megan Giddings

Megan Giddings is an MFA student at Indiana University and the Executive Editor of SmokeLong Quarterly. Her chapbooks Arcade Seventeen (TAR) and The Most Dangerous Game (The Lettered Streets Press) will be released Summer 2016. She has fiction forthcoming in or that has been recently published in Pleiades, Black Warrior Review, Passages North, and Barrelhouse.

Q&A with Gail Aronson, author of "Silk"

When I write, I’m always looking for how to investigate the ways we see the world and make room for connection despite and among mechanic systems that often feel constant, so I reach for creating worlds on the page that do not reinforce this monotony.

The Alive Sister

“They’re in imagination land. Each of them is a giant and they’re fighting over who will be the next queen of giant land.”