Jennifer Calkins
Jennifer Calkins is, herself, an assemblage. Interdisciplinary to the core, she holds a Ph.D. in biological science, an M.F.A. in creative writing and a J.D. in law. Her most recent creative works are published in The Fanzine, Entropy, Queen Mob’s Teahouse and Quarterly West. Her peer reviewed humanities and scientific works are published in Configurations, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, and Animal Behaviour, among other journals. Her natural history writing has appeared online at the The New York Times, National Geographic, and Voices for Biodiversity. Between 2010 and 2015 she produced The Quail Diaries, an interdisciplinary project melding science and lyric essay. She is the author of the chapbook Devil Card (Beard of Bees Press) and the book A Story of Witchery (Les Figues Press). She lives in Seattle with creatures including teenagers.