Denise Miller
Denise Miller is a professor, poet and mixed media artist whose publications include poems in Dunes Review, African American Review and Blackberry: A Magazine. She’s the 2015 Willow Books Emerging Poet, an AROHO Waves Discussion Fellowship awardee, a finalist for the Barbara Deming Money for Women Fund, and a Hedgebrook Fellow. Her full-length poetry book, Core, was released from Willow Books in November 2015 and has been nominated for a 2015 American Book Award and a 2015 Pushcart Prize. Additionally, one of her poems from a collection in progress has also been nominated for the 2015 Pushcart Prize. Miller has also been recently named the Fall 2016 Willow Books Writer-In-Residence in conjunction with the Carr Center Detroit and the NEH and an American Antiquarian Society William Randolph Hearst fellow. Her newest chapbook Ligatures, a 2016 Rattle Chapbook Prize Selection, was just released from Rattle. Her poem, "Dear Spectators" has been nominated for a 2016 Pushcart Prize. More of her work can be found at deniseleemiller.com.