Danielle Harms

Danielle Harms writes from Wisconsin, where she is a PhD candidate at UW-Milwaukee. Her writing has been published in Denver Quarterly, DIAGRAM, Mid-American Review, and in Creative Nonfiction's Sunday Short Reads series. A winner of an AWP Intro Journals Award, she has been awarded residencies at Vermont Studio Center and the Bread Loaf Environmental Writers' Conference. She is the Creative Nonfiction Editor for Cream City Review and faculty advisor for Furrow Magazine. You can find her online: @danielleharms.

Sandwiches on the Moon

Last night I dreamt I went on a work trip to the moon.
An all-woman crew, we met at the launch pad at 9 AM, PB and J’s for lunch.

Poultry Processing, Day One

Was it hard? I asked, the first time you killed a chicken? She held a just-dead bird in her hands, pulling feathers from its back.”