Bix Gabriel
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Q&A By BIX GABRIEL I am very much attracted to the concept of discomfort. Q&A By BIX GABRIEL I love embedded narratives, shifts in point of view, collage — anything that gives a sense of texture. Q&A By BIX GABRIEL I always want to write about sex. Q&A By BIX GABRIEL Sometimes the seed for a story can be my parents doing their laundry. But other times it can be something really bizarre, like buying 80 chickens impulsively.
Q&A with Ọna Anosike, author of “The Return”
Q&A with Sofia Samatar, author of “An Account of the Land of Witches”
Q&A with Caren Beilin, author of “Nina’s Alcoholism”
Q&A with Nghiem Tran, author of “Trespassing”