You are nature

You are nature
You are nature
The Internet is
fruiting in space
and undersea
The Internet is the
mycelium of our dreams
My great aunt is my
greatest Instagram fan
The gold chain moves
atop the carousel
of your throat because
your heart pushes blood
like the moon
pulls the ocean
Fast-twitch, slow-twitch
All stories are
love stories
Lawn mowers are loud
totems to grass and
its steadfast reach
for the sun
The neon green
of early spring
bowls me over
Yesterday a poet
declared summer is
erotic and sad
and therefore
the perfect season
I say summer is
a bikini selfie
a briny towel
a new freckle
the sun never going down
or never rising
The summer is my
mother’s birthday
My heart has been
a dry peach stone
a baby tulip
a hot air balloon speared
to a lightning rod
a canvas envelope
a dolphin in a tuna net
a bottle rocket
in a dry field
The ink in your skin
began in the ground
in the stars
Your knees are
perfectly engineered
You can lay on a patch
of clover with
your whole weight and
it will still crinkle back
to its full height
You hold plants
in your lungs
Pollen homesteads
your eyelashes
There are people in love
with buildings
A woman
is married
to the Eiffel Tower
The pills I take
rewild my brain
Now I feel organic
joy again
Children still know magic
Children are gazelles are
hail are hungry and
close to the earth
and watching the sky
with their wide-open eyes
Children live and play
with ectopic hearts
until they can’t
The left ventricles
of some mothers
weaken when they’ve
lost a child
Their hearts stretch and
balloon and look like
Japanese octopus traps
A hornet once crawled
up my nose
and didn’t sting
in the back of my
father’s grey Mercedes Greta
Iron oxide chewed
her floorboards through
and I could see the road
the road made with
cow fat with petroleum
with human hands and
machines that once
moved only in
human minds
If I crossed my eyes
I saw the hornet
and the road
my thighs
the faded seat
my dad and
my brother
and a blurring
of trees
You are nature
You are nature
I want to place you
in a cultivated garden
on a desert dune
in a cold river
feet to a hundred
smooth stones
clear water cresting
your iliac crest
I want to breathe
in your nature
and listen to where
the stillness
meets movement
Where you and I
Where you and I
are nature

For my Brother

heads touched, our
dreams were related
by blood.

Lost in Jüdischer Friedhof Weißensee

I meant to communicate geographically and socially in real time the terror of lineal entanglement, in the fact of my body moving in relation to other bodies